ézsé Kft. architect office


Landscape plans

Landscape plan must be prepared as a part of the licensing documentation, and is really an important element. In the main text should be described the initial state, and then with awareness of the local regulation, we can begin the creative work, as a result we get accurate instructions about:

  • which trees should be cut and why (this has a financial side too!)
  • what kind of trees should be planted to replace the felled trees
  • exactly what kind of plants will form the garden
  • what kind of coverings will be used
  • where and what kind of parking spaces shall be provided

All this is completed by a green surface calculation, the required green area ratio varies by zones. You can see such a technical description if you click on the link.

gardening plan (sample) download landscape plan

Landscape plan

Tereprendezési terv

Tree protection and tree felling plan

Fevédelmi, fakivágási terv

Green surface calculation

zöldfelületszámítás, idomterv

Green surface layout plan

zöldfelületrendezési terv

Individual needs, unlimites creativity

Limestone blocks in the front yard

elõkerti mészkõ tömbök

Basalt blocks in the backyard

Hátsókerti bazalttömbök

...and in the back of the house

back to geodetic survey

more about fence plans

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