ézsé Kft. architect office


Process of house designing...

What kind of plans and documents are necessary to design a house?

Which one is mandatory and which one is "just" useful?

What are the licenses and documents of the designing which the customer also can get?

house design - sketch book land purchase land registry administration freehand sketch local government consultation draft plans licensing plan technical-manual-calculation geotechnical analysis geodetic survey landscape plans fence plan energetic optimization architectural export plan detail drawings consignment consultant's construction plans massing model virtual walk occupancy permit

You only have to find a suitable contractor after the good architect. What if i told You, it can be the same person? Let's see what are our strengths in building houses.

design prices

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é z s é kft. +36 1 275 41 23 1115 Budapest Kelenföldi út 21. 2. emelet 9.